






下はGlasgow school of art のdegree show の記事です。

ow School of Art MFA 2012

Alexi Romanov by Claire Moore (Oil and Wax on Board)

As one of the only painters in this year’s MFA show, Moore’s work certainly stood out. Her use of nostalgia and how the portrayal of the past can be altered are beautifully portrayed in pieces which demand your long attention. References to World War II, the Polish Cavalry Charge of 1939 and Eastern European nostalgia are all explored.

Venus Flytrap by Urara Tsuchiya (performance)

Urara Tsuchiya’s Venus Flytrap performance is (in her words) “an anti-climax, boring performance”. However, the phallic-like costumes are hardly boring. Tsuchiya works with and takes inspiration from the Turner Prize 2012 nominee Spartacus Chetwynd, assisting with costumes. Creator of the Adult Baby Beauty Pageant Toddler’s and Tiaras for Glasgow International 2012, Tsuchiya wants to do more of these pageants so look out and get involved.

Other notable works at this year’s show include:

Studio Works 2011-2012 by Josée Aubin Ouelllette (mixed media)

Chase by Erik Osberg (HD video)

Augmented Reality Experience by Minka Stoyanova
“Designed specifically for the Glasgow School of Art, MFA Degree Show Preview, And Another Thing adds a virtual, gamic layer to the site of the exhibition.”

The MFA Degree Show runs from the 7 – 16 June 2012 at The Glue Factory.
You can find out more about the GSA MFA Degree show here.


  1. こよなくサロンプロジェクト進行中!!

  2. イギリスから商品が到着しました!!!

  3. お雛様

  4. プランタン銀座のアンティークバザールは今日が最終日です!!

  5. 夏に涼しげなリネン・レース・刺繍特集はじめました!!

  6. ロンドンのフォートナム&メイソン直送の紅茶ティーバッグをプレ…